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Overtime Calculator

Please provide information about your wage rates and overtime hours to calculate overtime pay.

Regular Worktime

Use the overtime calculator to calculate your overtime pay earned based on certain parameters including hourly wage, regular hours worked, and overtime hours you worked for. The calculator also helps you to determine payouts for double, triple, and custom overtime so that you can better understand your earnings against the work you do.

What Is Overtime?

Overtime is the extra time an employee works except scheduled working hours.

The overtime rules vary from one company to the other, depending on the job description, company policies, and the additional working hours.

How To Calculate Overtime Pay?

Steps to calculate overtime pay:

  1. Multiply the regular rate by the company’s overtime multiplier
  2. Multiply the resulting number with the extra hours worked


Overtime Pay = Extra Hours Worked * Overtime Rate

Example (Overtime):

If a person earns an hourly wage of $23 and works for an extra 5 hours beyond the normal working hours (8 hours), his overtime pay will be:

Overtime Pay = Extra Hours Worked * Overtime Rate

Overtime Pay = 5 * $23

Overtime Pay = $115

Based on his regular and overtime pay, the gross daily salary of the person is

Gross Salary = Regular Pay + Overtime Pay

Gross Salary = $184 + $115

Gross Salary = $299

If you are interested in calculating overtime pay in terms of various other frequencies, then the overtime calculator can do this for you. Just provide the hourly rates and related information, select the overtime pay frequency, and get the result accordingly.

Other Important Terms:

Time and a Half:

Time and a half refers to the overtime pay that is 1.5 times the regular pay rate of an employee.

Time and a Half = Standard Work Hours * 1.5

Doubling Time:

Double time happens when overtime is surpassed. When an employee works for more than 10 or 15 hours per week, he/she is given a double pay rate.

Double Time = Regular Pay Rate * 2

Exempt Status:

Exempt status defines the job description where the salary of a person is not reduced due to fewer hours worked. In an organization, employees holding exempt status are usually at administrative or executive positions.

Such employees do not fall on the list of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and they are exempt from overtime pay as well.

Overtime Pay Chart:

Pay Rate Table

Regular Pay Time and a Half Pay Double Time Pay
$10 $15.00 $20.00
$12 $18.00 $24.00
$14 $21.00 $28.00
$16 $24.00 $32.00
$18 $27.00 $36.00
$20 $30.00 $40.00
$22 $33.00 $44.00
$24 $36.00 $48.00
$26 $39.00 $52.00
$28 $42.00 $56.00
$30 $45.00 $60.00
$32 $48.00 $64.00
$34 $51.00 $68.00
$36 $54.00 $72.00
$38 $57.00 $76.00
$40 $60.00 $80.00
$45 $67.50 $90.00
$50 $75.00 $100.00