Technical Calculator Time


Travel Time Calculator

Please enter the required values and click ‘Calculate’ to know the estimated time of arrival from one location to the other.


The calculator estimates the length of time to travel between two different locations. It also tells you the total fuel cost of the trip that you need to pay for your road trip.

What you need to do includes:

  1. Enter the total distance and average speed of the car
  2. Enter the departure time and time spent on breaks/stops
  3. Enter the fuel economy and price
  4. At last, enter the number of passengers traveling
  5. Click ‘Calculate’

How to Calculate Travel Time?

  • Step 1: Divide the distance by the speed of the vehicle
  • Step 2: If there are any breaks, add in the result from Step 1
  • Step 3: If there is a decimal part in calculations, multiply it by 60 to convert it to minutes


Total Travel Time = (Distance/Average Drive Speed) + Total Breaks Time


Suppose you came back home from a summer vacation trip. The distance was about 670 km and you drove the car at the speed of 127km/hr, starting your trip on August 25, 2024 - at 12:35 PM. If you took a rest break of 1.5 hours, your travel time is calculated as:

Total Travel Time = (Distance/Average Drive Speed) + Total Breaks Time

Total Travel Time = (127/120) + 1.5

Total Travel Time = (1.058) + 1.5

Total Travel Time = 2.558

Converting decimal parts to minutes

0.558 = 0.558 * 60 = 33.48 minutes = 34 minutes approx.

Total travel time = 2 hours and 34 minutes

Based on this time, your estimated arrival time could be:

August 25, 2024 - at 12:35 PM + 2 hours and 34 minutes

= August 25, 2024 - at 03:09 PM